Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coroner calls for restriction of methadone takeaway doses

The coroner in Victoria has commented on the intrinsic risk of methadone takeaway (unsupervised) doses in her finding in the inquest into the death of a girl who took a methadone dose which was dispensed to her cousin. The statement from the coroner indicates a concern about who should take responsibility for methadone doses and a view that "[leaving] the decision-making and storage arrangements solely in the hands of the addicted person seems to be an approach which is fraught with risk, given the unreliability often associated with persons suffering with substance addiction".

Whilst the coroner has made a valid point in relation to the risks involved in the provision of methadone doses, the resources involved in inspecting medication storage arrangements of each and every patient receiving methadone takeaway doses would be prohibitive and impossible to enforce.

The requirement for checks on stability of patients prior to providing takeaway doses is designed to try an minimise the risk such that only patients who are stable enough in treatment so that their "unreliability" is lessened are eligible for takeaway doses - i.e. only patients who are able to take responsibility for storing takeaway doses appropriately have access to them. If a patient who is stable and has had the importance of appropriate storage of their takeaways explained to them then choses not to store their takeaway doses correctly, they need to be held responsible for that lack of care.

Perhaps instead of a call for greater direct supervision (which would be resource intensive in a sector that already suffers from a shortage of resources) there should be a greater onus on ensuring that the checks for stability are more closely adhered to. This would prevent "unreliable" patients form having takeaway doses.

Patients need to be seen regularly, need to have their dosing at the pharmacy checked up on, need to have random urine screening, need to be checked for injecting sites... It is part of the clinical risk assessment that is vital to the safe provision of service (and in Victoria the stability criteria are clearly documented in the state prescribing policy). Arguably if a prescriber is unable to check on adequate stability for takeaway doses, then that prescriber should not be prescribing takeaway doses.

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